Our practice is located in the beautiful and peaceful countryside of Renhold, which is 2 miles to the north of the County Town of Bedford. Ample off road parking is available at the clinic and is free of charge. Our practice holds professional insurance and we provide flexible appointments to suit our clientele.

  • Gillamoor House, 77a Ravensden Road, Renhold, Bedfordshire MK41 0JY
  • 01234 772929
  • [email protected]
01234 772929
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm
Taking notes at your first appointment

Your First Appointment

What to expect

On your first appointment a detailed history will be undertaken regarding your basic health, lifestyle and present condition. It may also be necessary to conduct certain clinical tests such as, temperature, blood pressure and reflex testing. Anatomical testing and bodywork normally follow and therefore, your first visit is likely to take longer than subsequent treatment sessions.

In Physiotherapy the assessment and treatment may require you to undress down to your underwear and you will be asked to bring a lose fitting top and a pair of track suit bottoms or shorts to wear. An explanation of each part of the treatment will be explained at each stage and verbal consent may be requested. Initially you will be asked to sign our Consent Form before any treatment takes place. Subsequent treatments normally last 40 minutes.

You are welcome to bring a parent, friend, or partner to your appointment.

Important: Client declaration

Kevin Anthony Walsh will provide you with a full and thorough explanation of the examination and treatment procedures appropriate for your condition. The examination and treatment may include body contact which may be considered invasive in nature but which formulates a normal part of the examination and treatment procedure. Following your understanding of these facts the examination and treatment will only proceed if you agree and give your informed and continued verbal consent.

System of referral

Clients can attend the practice by self-referral or by referral from their GP or health care professional. Occupational Health Departments can also refer their staff for treatment if they have an agreed contract with the Clinic.