Our practice is located in the beautiful and peaceful countryside of Renhold, which is 2 miles to the north of the County Town of Bedford. Ample off road parking is available at the clinic and is free of charge. Our practice holds professional insurance and we provide flexible appointments to suit our clientele.

  • Gillamoor House, 77a Ravensden Road, Renhold, Bedfordshire MK41 0JY
  • 01234 772929
  • [email protected]
01234 772929
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm
Cyclo-ssage Full Body Therapy System

Cyclo-ssage is a unique system developed to provide convenient and effective relief from a variety of conditions and symptoms, by combining two proven methods: cycloid massage and infrared heat therapy.

We believe we are the only practice in the East Midlands and West Anglia regions offering this type of treatment.

Cyclo-ssage is used to help the following:

  • Pain relief
  • Joints and mobility
  • Sports injuries
  • Degenerative facet joint disease
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Recovery and rehabilitation from injuries

Recovery from illness or joint surgery:

Bed rest is an essential part of your recovery, but at the same time your body needs to be stimulated and active, to avoid muscle wastage. The Cyclo-ssage Full Body Therapy System is used to boost recovery times by keeping the muscles stimulated by passive exercise. Regular use of the system in short, 15 minute sessions, has enabled many hip and knee replacement patients to become mobile more quickly, enabling them to maximise the benefit from their physiotherapy and exercises.

How the system helps relieve pain from Arthritis:

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and bones, which causes pain, stiffness, restricted movement and swelling. The system reduces the swelling and tones the muscles, thus increasing mobility, while the infrared light heat therapy zones increase blood circulation and soothes tired limbs.

About the Cyclo-ssage Full Body Therapy System:

This is truly an amazing piece of therapeutic equipment which has many more benefits. To find out more about this impressive engineered scientific equipment please visit www.cyclo-ssage.com

Do you have a question?

Please feel free to contact us.