Our practice is located in the beautiful and peaceful countryside of Renhold, which is 2 miles to the north of the County Town of Bedford. Ample off road parking is available at the clinic and is free of charge. Our practice holds professional insurance and we provide flexible appointments to suit our clientele.

  • Gillamoor House, 77a Ravensden Road, Renhold, Bedfordshire MK41 0JY
  • 01234 772929
  • [email protected]
01234 772929
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm

Hot and cold products can be used for various stages of the injury cycle.


Cryotherapy involves the application of cold products and is normally used in the early inflammatory stages of the acute and sub acute injury. Utilising cold products early is especially helpful in reducing inflammation by creating vasoconstriction of the blood vessels. Contrast heating reflects the use of cold and heat to produce appropriate healing results. This method of using a combined approach of cold and heat is used in the later stages of tissue healing once it is past the inflammatory stage.

Thermal Therapy

Thermal therapy uses heating agents such as infra red heat, paraffin wax baths, heat packs and certain electrical modalities. This approach is used at a later stage in tissue healing or conditions that have become chronic and provides a controlled vasodilatation of the blood vessels. This dilation of the vessels enables a rich supply of oxygen to be provided to the growing tissue and helps to remove waste products from the tissue cells.

Do you have a question?

Please feel free to contact us.